Thursday, February 14, 2008

Super Snaps.

So my assignment for photo this week is to present the three images that I have created that I would save if I had to get rid of everything else. Also to present images that were monumental in my relationship to photography.

Here goes:

Hopefully it won't be forever, but this is currently probably my favorite image I have ever created. It was taken in the middle of trying to set up for another shot. It isn't staged in anyway. The model was walking to a rock in the river that she was going to shoot on and was trying to keep her dress from getting wet. My favorite style of shooting has since become trying to find the beauty of the moment, seeing 'the smaller picture' if you will. (you had better) Anyway, I love it.


This was actually taken the same day as the image above. My favorite images are those that simply and effectively convey a sincere emotion. I think that Salgado and Nachtwey are masters at this. While the subject matter I have so far shot has been much less dramatic and of much less importance I hope to be able to convey emotion in the same way. This shot is my favorite attempt to do so.


If I may cheat a little here, (and I may) here are two images for my third image. This is the photographic proof of the best night of my life and two of my most personally meaningful images. I have been a huge fan of AFI for years and I was given the opportunity to shoot an extremely small, private show for 400 of their most devoted fans. The mood was extremely personal and informal but the energy was so intense. I tried my best to capture mood of the event for everyone that wasn't there. I feel these images very accurately portray the experience, as well as the feel of the moment.

Other Categories:

My favorite photojournalistic photo:
(Fire at Griffith Park, Los Angeles)

My First Photo:

This is the first photo that I ever set out to take artistically. I had a father with a camera and a friend who had asked me to take a conceptual picture of her before her wedding. It was my first experience with lighting, composition and art direction. Almost everyday I wish I had lit the candles, but what can ya do?


Tim said...

I'm pretty sure that you forgot to add your "favorite' pictures. And yes my permission is necessary to post those...

play hard said...

Ryan I was looking at you photography blog and I love the one of the two side shot of you. very cool.

JP said...

keep your blog updated through the summer. it will be fun to see what your working on.-Jeselyn