Sunday, June 29, 2008

Who wears short shorts?

So I just put on shorts for the first time this year. That's right I don't frequent the receding pantaloon often but I figured I would give it a shot. Here is what happened five minutes into my shorts excursion. Lesson learned.


Michelle said...

Oh, sad! What happened??

Amber said...

This was a miraculous save for that shot. I shot the couple in the shade and it was super sunny behind them, so they were really dark to start and the background was correct. I think I either used a fill light in Raw or just exposed it longer in Raw. Then put a vignette around it and burned and dodged them. It was horrible to begin with, but I'm really happy with the result. I'm really happy you're blogging again!

JP said...
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JP said...

ryan, i have to say you're a wimp.
and for real, this is the first time you put shorts on?

what have you been shooting this summer? lets see some of your work.